Author: Deborah A. Olson, RN, MA, LPC
Publisher: Galleria Publishing
Released: March 2019
One of the common questions I get from women is “How do I make new friends?” The desire to make new friends—while feeling it is next to impossible—is almost ubiquitous. The passion to write this book was born from a deep desire to help women forge ahead to seek and form new friendship connections. For many people that process can be challenging for a multitude of reasons . . . but in the end, the result is the same. We feel alone, disconnected, and isolated without a circle of friends to support us, encourage us, and share life with.
That doesn’t need to be the case. There are numerous ways to create a supportive circle of friends. But first you might need to step outside of your comfort zone.
THE HEALING POWER OF GIRLFRIENDS will equip you with ideas and suggestions on how to make new friends at any age or stage!
1. Be willing to put yourself out there and risk a little— what have you got to lose but new amazing girlfriends you will never meet if you don’t try?
2. Say “YES” to invitations when they come, you never know who you may meet at events you are invited to, it may be your next best friend.
3. Look for group meet-ups in your area that would be potential places to meet new friends. Whether it is a new wine group, book club, bible study, travel club, knitting group, or cooking class, or cycle club, there are lots of opportunities out there to meet other amazing female friends, just reach out and find your niche and your tribe!
4. A great place to make new friends can be the friends of our own friends! If you are invited to a party where you have a chance to meet new friends, often times, the friends of our own friends are people we have lots in common with. So be open to connecting with potential new girlfriends when you attend these meet-ups.
5. Remember that it is very possible that there is a girlfriend out there who is also looking for YOU! Yes, for real, she is wanting a new friend and is hoping to meet someone special just like YOU! Don’t keep her waiting — get out there— get in the game of life and GO FOR IT!